Community structure

Many community identification methods use Modularity defined by Mark Newman. However, modularity and the “modularity picture” cannot incorporate highly Overlapping community structures.

It is considered that networks have hierarchical, or multi-scale community structures. There are some methods (See Link community or other papers1).

Check out Paul Adams‘s slides and Adrien Friggeri‘s slides regarding real-world social community structure.


Review papers

in Biology

in Physics

in Directed network

Many networks have directional edges. Examples are: emails, WWW, citation, Food web, softwares, … How do we find communities in the directed networks? What does a community mean in directed networks?

The concept of modularity has a deep connection to the Random walk, and thus it is easily generalizable to directed networks. Elizabeth Leicht and Mark Newman generalized the modularity2

Community consistency

Community structure and dynamics

Number of communities
